Thursday, October 31, 2013


Panel 1- Kiko: " Kulugo, why are you so sad?"
           Kulugo: " Because nobody like me.."
Panel 2- Kiko: " Don't say that. I know a place that will welcome someone like you!"
           Kulugo: " Really?! Where?"
Panel 3- Kiko: " At a restaurant in Libis whose specialty is frog legs.."

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Panel 1- Kulasa: " Kulugo, I like a man who has etiquette especially at the dining table.."
Panel 2- Kulugo zapping an insect with his tonque
Panel 3- Kulugo: " What did you say about liking a man?"

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Panel 1- Kulugo: " Mother, why did you name me Kulugo?"
Panel 2- Mother: " Son, I named you after a great hero of the jungle who protected the animals and insects from outsiders.."
Panel 3- Kulugo: " Wasn't that Kulafu you were talking about?"
              Mother: " What?! Was that Kulafu? Ooops.."

Monday, October 28, 2013


Panel 1- Madam Mila: " Kulugo, according to this card, you will meet a girl and she will do everything to know more about you..:
Panel 2- Kulugo: " Really, Madam Mila? Wow?" When will I meet her?"
Panel 3- Madam Mila: " Next semester. in her Biology class.."

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Panel 1- Madam Mila: " Kulugo! Good of you to come by.."
                      Kulugo: " Madam Mila. I want to know my future.."
Panel 2- Kulugo: " I have loved many girls but they didn't like me. What should I do?"
Panel 3- Madam Mila: " First thing you should do is to change your name.."

Note: " Kulugo " is wart in english

Friday, October 25, 2013

The End

Panel 1- Queen Bee: " Thank you very much for all your help.."
                      Rolan: " You're welcome, your Majesty.."
Panel 2- Bee Onse: " Bye, Rolan.. Bye, Walter.. thank you very much.."
                    Rolan: " Goodbye.."
Panel 3- The ants are now happy to leave for home. They proved that being of different species is not a barrier to help each other in times of need

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The End

Panel 1- Rolan: " What will happen now, Bee Onse? The survivors are few.."
Panel 2- Bee Onse: " We still have our honey where we can get our food.."
Panel 3- Bee Onse: " And the Queen will again continue her duty to populate our colony.."

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The End

Panel 1- The dead from both sides inside the colony were removed in silence
Panel 2- The ants helped in bringing the dead to the golden bees' graveyard
Panel 3- The fanners started their duty to remove the stale air inside the colony

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The End

Panel 1- The black horde was helpless against the numerous ants that came to help the bees
Panel 2- At last the black horde is defeated but there was no celebration inside the colony
Panel 3- More than half was killed on the side of Bee Onse's colony including Jawo and his 300

Monday, October 21, 2013

The End

Panel 1- Bee Onse ( surprised ): " Rolan! Walter! Why are you here?"
              Rolan: " We want to help.."
Panel 2- Bee Diyes: " But our enemies are so many.."
                   Walter: " It's ok, Bee Diyes.."
Panel 3- Walter: " We are also many.."

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The End

Panel 1- Bee Onse and the soldiers waited for the black horde to enter
Panel 2- They can hear the noise of the fighting at the entrance of the tunnel and it's nearing them
   Bee Onse: " Get ready! They are coming!"
Panel 3- But it's not the black horde that enters...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Final Battle

Panel 1- Guard: " Bee Onse, the black horde have already entered the tunnel that leads here.."
Panel 2- Bee Onse: " Get ready! This will be our last stand for our Queen!"
Panel 3- Bee Onse: " For the Queen!"
          Soldiers ( shouting ) : " For the Queen!"
RPM: Is this the end of Bee Onse's colony? ( to be continued )

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Final Battle

Panel 1-Bee Onse: " Bee Diyes, why did you leave the nursery? Do you have guards there?"
            Bee Diyes: " Yes, Bee Onse.."
Panel 2- Bee Diyes: " I heard they are not interested in the nursery.."
Panel 3- Bee Diyes: " They want to kill our Queen and take our honey.."

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Final Battle

Panel 1- The black horde continue to enter the colony
Panel 2- Although many have been killed on the side of Bee Onse, they still defended the colony fiercely
Panel 3- Lebron: " Spread out! Get their honey and kill the Queen!"

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Final Battle

Panel 1- Fierce fighting between the two armies
Panel 2- The black horde who wants to get the honey of the enemy
Panel 3- And the golden bees who are ready to die fighting for their right to live

Monday, October 14, 2013

Final Battle

Panel 1- The black horde was able to inch their way inside the colony
Panel 2- The 300 defended well but the enemy are too many and they are pushed back
Panel 3- The Golden army rushed to the 300's aid to help in the battle

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Final Battle

Panel 1- The black horde is so many that it almost covered the trunk of the tree
Panel 2- But they still find it hard to enter because of the defense of the 300..
Panel 3- ..and the many dead bodies from the fighting that block their path..

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Black Horde

Panel 1- Bee Tres: " Eeek! An enemy is trying to enter!"
Panel 2- Bee Tres: " Quick!! Call Manny!"
Panel 3- Manny ( making a speedball out of Wade's head ): " Wow! Just what I needed for my practice.."

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Black Horde

Panel 1- Some of the black bees found a hole on a branch
Panel 2- Wade: " There's a hole here but it's small. Only a head will fit.."
Panel 3- Spoe: " It's ok, Wade.. stick your head in and see what's inside.."
             Wade: " Ok.."

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Black Horde

Panel 1- Jawo ( in answer to Lebron's challenge ): " Lebron! I am Jawo!! Let's fight!!!"
Panel 2- Lebron: " Get ready, Jawo! We will kill all of you!"
Panel 3- Jawo and Lebron meet in the air

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Black Horde

Panel 1- Lebron and the black horde could not advance because of the tight defense by Jawo and his 300
Panel 2- And because the entrance of the colony is small, the black horde cannot enter in full force
Panel 3- Lebron ( furious ): " Jawo!! I am Lebron! Fight me!.."

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Black Horde

Panel 1- Lebron and the black army landed at the entrance of the colony
Panel 2- And they were met by Jawo and his 300
Panel 3- While outside, some of the black bees search for other openings where they can enter

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Black Horde

Panel 1- Sentry: " Jawo! They're here!!!"
Panel 2- Jawo: " Alright, soldiers! You know what to do!"
Panel 3- The black Hordes' pincer attack

Friday, October 4, 2013


Panel 1- Walter: " Rolan, look!"
Panel 2- Rolan: " Walter, they are the invaders that will attack Bee Onse's colony!"
Panel 3- Walter: " They're so many, Rolan! What will happen to Bee Onse? And Bee Diyes?!"

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Panel 1- Kobe: " Did I hear it right, Bee scout.. you mentioned the name Jawo?"
   Bee Scout: " Yes, sir!"
Panel 2- General: " Why, Kobe.. do you know this guy, Jawo?"
                 Kobe: " Yes, General.. he was the one who cut one of my legs when we fought in the meadows.."
Panel 3-General: " Don't worry, Kobe.. we have someone who can deal with Jawo.."
                Kobe: " Really, Sir? Who is he?"
             General: " Lebron!"

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Panel 1- General: " Bee Scout, are you sure that the colony you entered is full of honey?"
          Bee Scout: " Yes, General.."
Panel 2- Bee Scout: " And to our advantage, they are not yet numerous like us.."
Panel 3- Bee Scout: " On the other hand, they have this Sentry named Jawo who killed my companion Scouts.."
Kobe: " Jawo?!"

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Panel 1- Bee Onse: " Bee Diyes, do we have defenders at our Nursery?"
             Bee Diyes: " We already have, Bee Onse.."
Panel 2- Bee Onse: " Good! You will take care of the Nursery, Bee Diyes, and I will guard the Queen "
Panel 3- ( The two bees saying good luck to each other )