Friday, January 31, 2014

The Breakfast Club

Panel 1- Anna: " Er..Fontip.. you want to say something?"
            Fontip: " Yes, Ma'm.."
Panel 2- Fontip: " It's about the food you ordered.. it will be merienda time  before you finish them all.."
               Anna: " Exactly!"
Panel 3- Anna: " That's why we will order our merienda later on.."
            Kuling: " Is there a problem?"

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Breakfast Club

Panel 1- Kamille: " Fontip, give us triple cheeseburger with special mustard.."
Panel 2- Kamille: " Add two super extra large fries.."
                David: " Kamille, I thought you and Anna are on diet!"
Panel 3- Kamille: " Oh yeah, David.. Err, Fontip, include Diet Cola to our order, ok?
               Fontip: " Yes, Ma'm.."

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Breakfast Club

Panel 1- Jaedhie: " Blasphemy! Just listen to us, Fontip, or you will lose your tip!"
               Fontip: " Yes, Ma'm "
Panel 2- Dianne: " We like this.. spicy.."
              Kamille: " Dianne, I thought you and Jaedhie are on diet?"
Panel 3- Nathalie: " We like this one.."
                  Anna: " Nathalie, aren't you and Melanie on diet too?"

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Breakfast Club

Panel 1- Dianne: " Fontip, give us this, give us that and give us those.."
Panel 2- Fontip: " Ma'm, are you expecting more company?"
              Dianne: " No.. why?"
Panel 3- Fontip: " Because what you ordered is good for a platoon.."

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Breakfast Club

Panel 1- Fontip, the waiter: " My name is Fontip and I will be the one to serve you today.."
              Kuling, the extra rice Queen: " And we are the dreaded Breakfast Club!"
Panel 2- Fontip: " I'm sorry, Ladies but our Longsilog Hour has ended and it will be lunchtime in one hour.."
Panel 3-  Fontip: " You should have come earlier.."
                Anna: " Our time zone is different.."

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Breakfast Club

Panel 1- Kuling: " It's so much fun to see each other again..Hihihi.."
               Anna: "  Of course, Kuling..our Breakfast Club is the best!"
Panel 2- Dianne: " Oy! Let's continue our conversation later. Where do we eat breakfast?"
             Kamille: " There's a new eatery at the third floor.."
Panel 3- Fontip : " Hello, Ladies.. welcome to our Funcake House!"
            Melanie:  " There's a boy in our group, the black anchovy.."
             Fontip : " Ooops.. my mistake.."  

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Trial

Panel 1- King Pusitdon: " What is the verdict of the judges against these land people?"
                         Kuling: " Guilty!"
Panel 2- King Pusitdon: " I sentence you to electric chair!"
                           Peter: " Eletric chair?! Do you have that? Hahaha!"
Panel 3- Pedro: " AArgh! Electric eels!!"

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Trial

Panel 1- Mother Shark: " They caught my son and do you know what they did?"
Panel 2- Mother Shark: " They cut off the fin on his back and then tossed him in the water.."
Panel 3- Mother Shark: " And without the fin that enable him to swim, my son drowned.."

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Trial

Panel 1- Kuling: " Our beloved King, our first witness is Angel.."
Panel 2- Angel:  Your Highness, we crabs are finding it hard to reach maturity.."
Panel 3- Angel: " Even small crabs are being caught instead of throwing them back to the sea so they can grow.."

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Trial

Panel 1- King Pusitdon: " Land people, respect our laws of the sea. We are not corrupt like you.."
Panel 2- King Pusitdon: " Alright, call the witnesses against these two.."
                         Kuling: " Yes.."
Panel 3- Kng Pusitdon ( still mad ): " It has become too much on what they do to our seas!"

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Trial

Panel 1- Kuling: " King Pusitdon, these are the fishermen who are using dynamite.."
Panel 2- King Pusitdon: " You land people.. what can you say?"
Panel 3- Peter: " Let's just fix it, Ser.. Hehehe.."
            Pedro:  " My brother is a Governor.."

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Trial

Panel 1- Pedro: " My fish friends..  please forgive me and Boss Peter..Huhuhu.."
Panel 2- Peter: "  We are not going to use dynamite anymore when fishing.."
Panel 3- Kuling: ( As a giant jellyfish emerges from the water ) " It's too late for you.. you have to answer to our laws..

Friday, January 17, 2014


Panel 1- Peter: " There they are! Throw the dynamite!!"
             Pedro: " Ok! "
Panel 2- Unfortunately the dynamite exploded before Pedro can throw it..
Panel 3- Without their boat, Peter and Pedro scored big with perfect tens

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Panel 1- Peter: " There's those fish again! Throw them the dynamite! Hurry!
Panel 2- Pedro threw the dynamite but it exploded in the air to the dismay of Peter
Panel 3- The fish showing their scorecard regarding the failed attempt to blast them with a dynamite

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Panel 1- Peter: " There! There's the group of fish! Throw the dynamite!"
Panel 2- Pedro threw the dynamite but it was a dud
Panel 3- The fish were laughing to the chagrin of the fishermen

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Panel 1- Peter: " What kind of fish are these? They're making a fool of us!"
            Pedro: " You're right.."
Panel 2- Pedro; " Boss, I will take out the fishnet.."
               Peter: " No! "
Panel 3- Peter: " Bring out the dynamite! We'll see how good they are!"
            Pedro: " Yes, boss.."

Monday, January 13, 2014


Panel 1- Kuling's Plan-A is to make the fishermen see them
Panel 2- The fish showing off to the fishermen
Panel 3- Kuling's circus inviting the fishermen to catch them

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Panel 1- Kulasa: " Kuling, those are the fishermen who's destroying our coral!"
Panel 2- Kulasa: " They use dynamite to catch fish.."
Panel 3-  Kulasa: " What are we going to do, Kuling?"
                Kuling: " Plan A.."