Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Panel 1- With the disappearance of the mangrove trees along the coastline, the natural green barrier against   typhoons and storm surges also disappeared...
Panel 2- And the marine life that give food to the people followed..
Panel 3- Pedro: " Baste, prepare yourselves.. there is a storm coming to us.. the radio said this typhoon is
                           is very strong!"

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Panel 1- The mangrove trees started to dwindle when more people came to live beside the sea...
Panel 2- There were those who cut down the mangrove trees to make charcoal to be sold in the market..
Panel 3- The others constructed fish pens  from the cleared mangrove area

Monday, May 12, 2014


Panel 1- Many years ago, the mangrove forest of the Philippines is so vast
Panel 2- In the year of 1918, the mangrove forest had an area of 500,000 hectares
Panel 3- But it went down to 117,000 hectares by 2011 because of man...

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Panel 1- Mangroves are a big advantage when planted near the sea
Panel 2- Aside from giving protection from typhoons and other calamities...
Panel 3- It also give livelihood to those who live near the sea

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Panel 1- The extensive roots of the mangrove trees serve as protection of marine life from predators
Panel 2- The mangroves also protect the coastline from storm surges and floodings during typhoons
Panel 3-  The mangrove roots also prevents the sea from reclaiming the land due to erosion

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Panel 1- This is a mangrove forest beside the sea  where many kinds of marine life live..
Panel 2- This is where you will find different kinds of fish, cuttle fish, shrimps, crabs, shellfish
              and many others..
Panel 3- And because of the thick foliage of mangroves, it is also used by birds as refuge...

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Paper or Plastic

Panel 1- Rolan: " Walter, what can you say about the debate between Ms Plastic bag and Ms Paper bag?"
             Walter: " Both are good in debate, Rolan.."
Panel 2-Walter: " The only problem is the audience.."
              Rolan: " What? Why?..
Panel 3-Walter: " They can't think for themselves, Rolan.."

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Paper or Plastic

Panel 1- Plastic bag: " Do you know that you have to cut down 17 trees to make a ton of paper bags?"
Panel 2- Plastic bag: " And a gallon of water is consumed just to make one paper bag!"
Panel 3- Plastic bag: " On the contrary, a gallon of water can make 116 pieces of plastic bags!"
                Audience ( shouting ): " Plastic bag! Plastic bag!"

Friday, May 2, 2014

Paper or Plastic

Panel 1- Paper bag: " It will take hundreds of years for plastic bag to decompose in landfill.."
Panel 2- Paper bag: " Plastic bag is also the main reason for flooding because it blocks the flow
                                 of water.."
Panel 3- Paper bag: " While paper bags decompose easily so there's no flooding!"
               Audience: " Paper bag! Paper bag!!"

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Paper or Plastic

Panel 1- Plastic bag: " To make paper bags, you will need 5 times the energy compare to
                                  making plastic bags!"
Panel 2- Plastic bag: " You will also need more water to make paper bags.."
Panel 3- Plastic bag: " And also more electricity, so do you still want paper bags?"
              Crowd ( chanting ): " Plastic bag! Plastic bag!"