Friday, July 25, 2014

A Love Story

Panel 1- Worker: " Governor, we already painted all the trees on both sides of the road.."
                   Gov: " Very good!"
Panel 2- Governor: " The DENR office wanted a total number of trees that will be
                                affected by my project.."
Panel 3- Governor: " I cannot do my road widening project while those trees line up
                                both sides of the road.."
DENR is Department of Environment and Natural Resources ( officially ) but people regard DENR as Destroyer of Environment and Natural Resources for giving permits to cutting of old trees, mining, small and large scale without environmental clearance etc

Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Love Story

Panel 1- Teban: " Berto, do you know why they put numbers on us?"
              Berto: " I don't know, Teban.."
Panel 2- Tonio: " Maybe they're counting so they will know how many are us.."
              Gorio: " But why, Tonio?
Panel 3- Marta: " Maybe they're just making inventory of us trees in the Municipality.."
              Sabel: " Yes, Marta.."

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Love Story

Panel 1- One day men came to to town bearing gallons of paint
Panel 2- One by one they painted numbers on the trees near the road
Panel 3- And they included Berto and Berta

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Love Story

Panel 1- Having made a city, the town of Santa Maria became prosperous..
Panel 2- It became a center of commerce and business interests came to invest
Panel 3- This big change will soon affect Berto and Berta in the coming days

Friday, July 18, 2014

A Love Story

Panel 1- The former place of Berto and Berta became noisy because of people and motor vehicles..
Panel 2- And then Nipa huts on both sides of the road mushroomed
Panel 3- And years later, the quiet place of Berto and Berta became the city of Santa Maria

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Love Story

Panel 1- Many years have passed and the old road was finally asphalted
Panel 2- After that comes the numerous motor vehicles that pass through the road
Panel 3- And the number of people that came from different places increased

Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Love Story

Panel 1- Berto: " Berta, do you know what Benigno carved on your trunk?"
              Berta: " No, Berto.."
Panel 2- Berto: " The letters B-B and it's enclosed in a heart!"
              Berta: " Really?"
Panel 3- Berto: " Berta, it's as if Benigno made it for us and her love one.."
              Berta: " Yes, Berto.."

Friday, July 11, 2014

A Love Story

Panel 1- Father: " Benigno.. we had to go.."
           Benigno: " Just a little more time, father.."
Panel 2- Father: " What are you carving on the tree trunk?"
           Benigno: " Me and my sweetheart's name.."
Panel 3- Benigno: " I hope Benigna will see this to make her happy.."

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A Love Story

Panel 1- General: " Inang Mameng, I want to thank you all for feeding us.."
              Mameng: " You're welcome, General.."
Panel 2- General: " We are leaving now because the Spaniards might catch us.
                             Farewell to all of you.."
Panel 3- Barrio folks: " Long live the Katipunan! Long live our mother country!"

A Love Story

Panel 1- General: " Inang Mameng, your place is so beautiful.. so quiet and the air is so fresh.."
             Mameng: " Thank you, General.."
Panel 2- General: " It's not ordinary to find this kind of place where the trees on both sides
                              reach out their branches to each other.."
Panel 3- General: " The way I see it, the trees' foliage form a cave and they're so beautiful
                              to look upon.."
            Mameng: " It's true, General.."

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A Love Story

Panel 1- One day a group of men came to their place
Panel 2- The people welcomed them and gave them food and drinks
Panel 3- The group happily ate beneath the shade of the trees..

Monday, July 7, 2014

A Love Story

Panel 1- Many years have passed and the day came when the branches of the trees at both sides
              of the road finally reached each other..
Panel 2- And for the first time, the branches of Berto and Berta have touched..
Panel 3- It was the ultimate happiness for Berto and Berta to have felt each other after so many years..