Monday, October 27, 2014


Panel 1- Poor Boy: " Well, Nog.. what do you think of my condo?"
                      Nog: " It's small for all of us, Poor Boy.."
Panel 2-         Nog: " But our Queen will love your place surrounded by green
                                and it's near the beach!"
Panel 3-         Nog: " So, you can now vacate this place so that our colony
                                can move in.."
             Poor Boy: " What?!"

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Panel 1- Poor Boy: " That is my Condo building, Nog.."
Panel 2- Poor Boy: " And that is our Mushroom City surrounded with green.."
                      Nog: " Wow!"
Panel 3- Poor Boy: " And over there, you will see our Itsy Bitsy Beach!"
                      Nog: " Wow!"

Friday, October 24, 2014


Panel 1- Poor Boy: " 300,000?! You're so many!"
                      Nog: " Of course.. we're one colony!"
Panel 2-         Nog: " But I still need to see your place, Poor Boy.."
             Poor Boy: " Sure!"
Panel 3-         Nog: " Our Queen said she prefers a place with good view
                                and has a beach!"

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Panel 1- Poor Boy: " Ehem.. Nog.. my name is Poor Boy and I have a Condo Building for rent.."
                      Nog: " Really?"
Panel 2-         Nog: " Is your Condo big? We may not be able to fit!"
Panel 3- Poor Boy: " Why? How many are you?"
                      Nog: " 300,000!"

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Panel 1- Rolan: " Guys, it's a black ant coming our way.."
Panel 2- Rolan: " Halt! Who are you and what are you doing in our territory?"
Panel 3- Stranger: " I am Nog and I'm looking for a place to transfer.."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Panel 1- Poor Boy: " Rolan, our morning hike is great!"
                  Rolan  : " Yes, Poor Boy.."
Panel 2-     Walter : " Fresh air and sunshine!"
                   Rolan : " Of course, Walter.."
Panel 3-      Rolan : " Sshh.. guys.. be quiet...someone is coming!"

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Si Anna at Si Kuling

Panel 1- Kuling: " Did you know that there are plenty of mud crabs under this river?"
              Kulas : " Mud crabs? Why, they are expensive!"
Panel 2- Kuling: " Exactly! So you better get a container and get those mud crabs
                            while they're still here!"
              Kulas : " Ok! Sure!"
Panel 3-  Anna : " Alright, Piranhas.. you know what to do when he comes back!"
             Piranha: " Exactly!"

Friday, October 17, 2014

Si Anna at Si Kuling

Panel 1- Kuling: " Did you know that dumping your garbage on this river will eventually kill it?"
Panel 2- Anna : " The same with us fish that live in this riiver.. we're going to die too.."
Panel 3- Kulas: " It's ok.. we don't like fish anyway.."

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Si Anna at Si Kuling

Panel 1- Anna: " Don't you have any children who can dig the gorund for you?"
             Kulas: " My kids are still small.."
Panel 2- Anna: " How many children do you have? "
             Kulas: " Nine and they're small so they can't help me dig the ground.."
Panel 3- Kulas: "Anyway, it's much easier to just throw the garbage on the river
                         instead of digging to bury the trash.."

Si Anna at Si Kuling

Panel 1- Kuling: " Our river is not a garbage dump.."
Panel 2- Kulas : " I have no garbage collector comes to our place.."
Panel 3- Kuling: " Why don't you excavate and bury your trash in the ground?"
              Kulas : " I can't.. I have arthritis.."

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Si Anna at Si Kuling

Panel 1- Kuling: " Excuse me, sir.. where are you bringing that trash?"
Panel 2- Kulas : " I'm throwing this on the river.."
              Kuling: " Don't you have a garbage truck?"
Panel 3- Kulas : " We don't even have a fire truck and you asked me
                           about a garbage truck?"
              Anna  : " Hey, Kuling.. he's saucy!"

Monday, October 13, 2014

Si Anna at Si Kuling

Panel 1- Kuling: " Anna, humans don't seem to learn. They're still throwing garbage on our river.."
Panel 2- Kuling: " They think of the river as part of their backyard so they don't care.."
                Anna: " You're right, Kuling.."
Panel 3- Kuling: " Our poor river.. humans made you their garbage dump..( sigh )"

Friday, October 3, 2014

Condo Blues

Panel 1- Boss Peter: " Ok, Poor Boy.. your condo building passed.."
              Poor Boy:  " Thank you, Boss Peter!"
Panel 2- Rolan: " Poor Boy, what did you do to pass your condo's inspection?"
Panel 3- Poor Boy: " Boss Peter sold me a cake.."

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Condo Blues

Panel 1- Poor Boy: " Boss Peter, even though my condo exceeded the required height,
                                 it has an elevator.."
Panel 2- Poor Boy; " This elevator is world class.. ( shouting ) Ok Rolan! You can
                                 spin the spool now! Go!"
Panel3- Boss Peter: " How can you say this elevator is world class?"
             Poor Boy : " It's voice activated!"

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Condo Blues

Panel 1- Poor Boy: " Boss Peter, it's not my fault that my condo reached that height.."
Panel 2- Poor Boy: " It's foundation is so rich.."
              Boss Peter: " Why? Did you use Class Triple-A mixture?"
Panel 3- Poor Boy: " Not exactly.. my condo sits on top of a carabao dung
                                 which is very rich that's why it rose so high..Hehehe.."