Friday, July 24, 2015

Sgt. Pepe

Panel 1- Rolan: " Are you sure, Poor Boy? We have someone who can face Jumping Jack? Sgt Pepe?"
        Poor Boy: " Exacctly!"
Panel 2- Poor Boy: " And I know where to find him!"
                    Rolan: " Really? Let's go!"
Panel 3- A view of Sgt Pepe's Lonely Hearts Club

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Sgt. Pepe

Panel 1- Rolan: " That's why we have to find our champion, Poor Boy.."
            Walter: " Or we kiss our colony goodbye!"
Panel 2- Three friends walking in silence contemplating the situation
Panel 3- Poor Boy: " Wait! Rolan, Walter, I know someone who can face Jumping Jack!
                                 It's Sgt.Pepe!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Sgt. Pepe

Panel 1- Poor Boy: " Was that Jumping Jack? Wow!"
                    Rolan: " Yes, Poor Boy.."
Panel 2- Poor Boy: " So that's why they were saying we can't win
                                 against Jumping Jack.."
Panel 3- Walter: " That's right, Poor Boy, that's why we have to do
                            our very best to find our champion.."

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Sgt. Pepe

Panel 1- Poor Boy: " Rolan, look how high he can jump!"
Panel 2- Poor Boy: " OMG,, three jumps and he's already on the other side!"
Panel 3-       Rolan: " Poor Boy, you just saw Jumping Jack and he's on his way to Queen Uling!"
              Poor Boy: " What?!"

Monday, July 20, 2015

Sgt. Pepe

Panel 1- Poor Boy: " Rolan, I haven't seen that Jumping Jack in person. Is he really that good?"
                   Rolan; " Yes, Poor Boy.."
Panel 2- Rolan; " Nobody has beaten him yet when it comes to high jump and.."
Panel 3- Poor Boy: "" Huh?! What's that?"