Friday, September 18, 2015

Jumping Jack

Panel 1- Queen Uling: " If you don't have a champion to face Jumping Jack, it means we've won,
                                    Queen Godzilla!"
Panel 2- Queen Uling: " You have to leave your colony so that half of my subjects can occupy it!"
Panel 3- Queen Uling: " And you have to surrender your crown to me, Queen Godzilla, as a sign
                                    of your loss.."

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Jumping Jack

Panel 1- The two Queens approach each other
Panel 2- Queen Uling: " Our champion, Jumping Jack is here! Where is your champion?"
         Queen Godzilla: " Just wait.."
Panel 3- Queen Uling: " Just wait or you didn't find your champion, Queen Godzilla?!"

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Jumping Jack

Panel 1- On the third day, the plains of Paraisong Gubat is almost filled by ants
Panel 2- On the left side are the black ants led by their Queen Uling
Panel 3- And on the right side is Queen Godzilla and her ants

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Jumping Jack

Panel 1- Queen Uling: " According to my spy, there is a wide search being undertaken
                                     by Queen Godzilla to find their champion.."
Panel 2- Jumping Jack: " Queen Uling, even if they search at the Plains, they won't find
                                      a grasshopper that could beat me in high jump.."
              Queen Uling: " Good.. very good!"
Panel 3- Queen Uling: " I can see now that Queen Godzilla's colony will be mine..Hehehe.."

Monday, September 14, 2015

Jumping Jack

Panel 1- Jumping Jack: " Who will I face this time, Queen Uling?"
                Queen Uling: " The champion of Queen Godzilla.."
Panel 2- Jumping Jack: " I already beaten their high jump grasshopper champion
                                         the last time we met!"
Panel 3- Jumping Jack: " If he's the one I'll face again, then I can assure you of victory,
                                        Queen Uling!..Hehehe."

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Jumping Jack

Panel 1- Shakira: " Queen Uling, Jumping Jack has arrived.."
      Queen Uling: " Show him in.."
Panel 2- Jumping Jack: " Queen Uling, you sent for me?"
                Queen Uling: " Yes, Jumping Jack!"
Panel 3-  Queen Uling: " Someone will challenge you to a high jump contest
                                         in three days so you better be prepared.."
               Jumping Jack: " Yes, Queen Uling.."