Friday, December 11, 2015

The Challenge

Panel 1- Kulugo: " We cannot jump this ravine, Jumping Jack.. we'll end up at the bottom so we're even!"
Panel 2- Jumping Jack: " You're right, Kulugo, but I have wings and you don't..Bwahahaha!!"
                       Kulugo: " What?!"
Panel 3- And Kulugo fell into the ravine..

The Challenge

Panel 1- Jumping Jack:  " Goodbye, Kulugo.. your defeat is for sure..Hahaha!!"
Panel 2- Kulugo: " I will not lose to you, Jumping Jack! The two of us will fall in this ravine!"
Panel 3- And Kulugo jumped the wide ravine

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Challenge

Panel 1- Kulugo ( to himself ): " I would fall into this ravine if I jump.. should I accept my defeat? "
Panel 2- Kulugo ( to himself ): " On the other hand, poor Queen Godzilla will lose her colony.."
Panel 3- Kulugo ( to himself ): " I will also lose my friends.. what shall I do? "

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Challenge

Panel 1- Kulugo: " Hmm.. it seemed Jumping Jack has an ace on his sleeve
                               that's why he's too confident.."
Panel 2- Kulugo and Jumping Jack landed at the side of the ravine. Ants on the other side loudly                       cheered for their champion!"
Panel 3- Kulugo: " OMG! I.. I can't jump this's too wide!"

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Challenge

Panel 1- Jumping Jack: " Kulugo, you won't be able to keep up with me when we reach
                                         the Binay ravine!"
Panel 2- Jumping Jack: " I am the only one who was able to cross it!"
Panel 3- Jumping Jack: " And you will find out soon how I did it..Hehehe.."

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Challenge

Panel 1- The ants started to scream when they saw Jumping Jack and Kulugo are coming
Panel 2- Jumping Jack: " Did you hear that, Kulugo? They are already cheering
                                      for my victory.. Hahaha!"
Panel 3- Kulugo: " Don't be too sure, Jumping Jack, didn't you notice I can keep up with you?"