Thursday, December 8, 2016


Panel 1- Melaine: " People have changed.."
                  Anna: " You're right. They don't have satisfaction in their life.."
Panel 2- Melanie: " I think they are all slaves of money and they don't care about the consequence of their actions.."
Panel 3- Melanie: " Anna, Kuling.. Laguna Lake will die and there's nothing we can do.."
 Kuling and Anna: " There is!!! "


Panel 1-Kuling: " I feel sorry for the milkfish.. "
          Melanie: " That's how their life is, Anna and Kuling.."
Panel 2- Melanie: " And there are greedy  fishpen owners who feed their stock too much.."
Panel 3- Melanie: " They want their milkfish to grow faster so they can sell them in a short time.."

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Panel 1- Melanie: " And do you know that if the feeds get rotten, it will poison the water.."
Panel 2- Melanie: " The oxygen level of the lake will diminish and if we add the overcrowding in the fishpen.."
Panel 3- Melaine: " It will contribute to the wholesale fishkill in the lake.."

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Panel 1- Melanie: " Anna, Kuling.. please don't envy the milkfish.."
Panel 2- Melanie: " It's true they eat on time but they can only consume half of the feeds..."
Panel 3- Melanie: " The other half will end up at the bottom of the lake where they will rot.."

Monday, December 5, 2016


Pane 1- Kuling: " I guess they're right that they have somebody who feeds them.."
               Anna: " Yes and they get it on time.."
Panel 2- Anna: " While we go to different places just to find food.."
Panel 3- Anna: " Sometimes you will think that those milkfish have a better life compare to us.."


Panel 1- Kuling: " We're pissed, Melanie.."
               Anna; " Right! Who they think they are?!"
Panel 2- Kuling: " Why? Our skin are also smooth like yours!"
                Piolo: " Right but our skin are whiter! "
Panel 3- Kuling and Anna: " RACISTS!!! "

Friday, December 2, 2016

The Lake

Panel 1- Piolo: " So what if we are caged? "
             Mark: " We eat on time! "
Panel 2- Jadine: " That's right! We have someone who feeds us! "
            Katniel: " Unlike you! Hahahaha!!!"
Panel 3- Anna and Kuling ( nangingitim sa galit ): " Grrr "
              Melanie: " Kuling, Anna..let them be.."

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Lake

Panel 1- Piolo: " Hello, girls..are you talking about us? "
           Kuling: " What?! The nerve.."
Panel 2- Aldub: " Most likely they are envious of us because we have white skin Hehehe.."
Panel 3-  Anna: " Hey! Shame on your skin! We are free unlike you who are caged like prisoners! "

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Lake

Panel 1- Kuling: " Look, Anna.. there's Melanie! "
               Anna: " Yes, Kuling.."
Panel 2- Kuling: " Hey, Melanie.. what are you doing here? "
             Melanie: " Hi Anna, Kuling.."
Panel 3- Melanie: " I am just observing the milkfish in the fishpen. They are overcrowded and I pity them "

Monday, November 28, 2016

The Lake

Panel 1- Kuling: " Those factories and houses beside the lake dispose their wastes into the lake.."
Panel 2-  Anna: " People who know says the Laguna lake is like a giant septic tank.."
Panel 3- Kuling: " It's really sad that people disregard the beauty of the lake by directly disposing their garbage into the lake.."

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Lake

Panel1- Kuling: " I feel bad for the Laguna Lake, Anna, .its depth before is 12 meters "
Panel 2- Kuling: " But now it's 3 meters because of siltation through the passage of time "
               Anna: " Yes, Kuling.."
Panel 3- Anna : " Several administrations have passed but they didn't do anything to save the lake "
             Kuling: "  I pity our lake, Anna.."

Friday, October 21, 2016

The End

Panel 1- Rolan: " Gong, thank you for saving our lives! "
        Poor Boy: " That's right, Gong.."
Panel 2-  Gong: " Linda, Zeny, my friends, it's I who should be thankful for saving me from the roots of a big tree while I was escaping from the fire.."
Panel 3- Rolan: " I guess because we helped each other, it became the key to our survival.."
               Gong: " Right! "

Thursday, October 20, 2016

The End

Panel 1- Rolan: " Why, yes! Hahaha!! We forgot Gong can swim! "
              Linda: " We got scared! "
Panel 2- Gong: " Go now, my friends.. climb on my back, the fire is already on our back.."
Panel 3- Gong slowly entered the water with his ant friends at his back.."

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The End

Panel 1- Rolan: " This is our end, my friends.. we've nowhere to go! "
Panel 2- Rolan: " The forest fire is in our rear and the river in our front! "
            Walter: " We are trapped! "
Panel 3- Gong: " Wait, my friends, I can carry you across the river! "

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The End

Panel 1- Gong let himself fall on the other side of the fallen tree and they continue their escape..
Panel 2- Until they reach a river
Panel 3- Rolan: " The river is too wide. How can we cross it? "
            Walter: " You're right and the current is strong! "

Monday, October 17, 2016

The End

Panel 1- And Gong was surprised to see his friends holding the twig
Panel 2- Rolan: " Gong, bite the twig and we will pull you up! "
Panel 2- Gong bit the twig and it was now easier for the ants to pull him up because Gong can step on the      fallen tree for support

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The End

Panel 1- Gong accepted his fate as the forest fire nears him
Panel 2- But then he heard knocking on top of his shell
Panel 3- Gong looked out and he saw it was a small branch that's making the noise

Friday, September 30, 2016

Gong Pagong

Panel 1- Gong: " Go now, my friends.. leave me while there's still time.. save yourselves! "
             Rolan: " Gong.."
Panel 2- With heavy hearts, the ants climb the fallen tree..
Panel 3- Gong retreated to his shell to wait for the approaching fire

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Gong Pagong

Panel 1- Gong: " My friends, you have to leave me.. there's nothing you can do.."
Panel 2- Gong: " You can't lift me across this fallen tree..the fire will catch up on us.."
             Rolan: " But..Gong.."
Panel 3- Gong: " I have already accepted my fate but you guys can still save yourselves. Leave me! "

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Gong Pagong

Panel 1- Rolan: " This tree is too long for us to circle. The fire will catch up on us.."
Panel 2- Rolan: " My friends, there's only one way so we can reach the other side.."
Panel 3- And everyone push Gong up the fallen tree

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Gong Pagong

Panel 1- Rolan; " Poor Boy, there's a fallen tree right on our path. Is there any other way?
        Poor Boy: " None, Rolan.."
Panel 2- Rolan: " I'm worried about Gong.."
        Poor Boy: " I know what you mean, Rolan.."
Panel 3- The fallen tree is a big problem. Gong won't be able climb over it..

Monday, September 26, 2016

Gong Pagong

Panel 1- Gong: " My friends, I can't go any faster. This is what turtles are.. we're slow.."
Panel 2- Rolan: " It's ok, Gong.. we'll keep up with you.."
Panel 3- Poor Boy: " Rolan, there's already fire on our right side.."

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Gong Pagong

Panel 1- Rolan: " Please hurry, Gong.. we have to get away from the fire.."
Panel 2- Rolan: " The fire is moving fast and we might be enclosed.."
Panel 3- Poor Boy: " There's already fire in our left side, Rolan.."
                    Rolan: " I know, Poor Boy.."

Friday, August 26, 2016

Forest Fire

Panel 1- Walter: " Where are the others, Gong?"
               Gong: " I am the only one left behind, Walter.."
Panel 2-  Gong: " They didn't help me get up for fear the fire will catch up on us.."
Panel 3-  Gong: " My friends, it's a good thing you came or I would have died. Thank you so much!"

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Forest Fire

Panel 1- Rolan: " We have to move super fast because the fire spreads swiftly. It might catch us.."
Panel 2- Poor Boy: " Huh?! It's Gong Pagong!"
                   Linda: " And he's lying on his back! Let's help him.."
Panel 3- Rolan: " Gong Pagong, what happened?"
              Gong " I tripped on the exposed root of this tree when we evacuared earlier.."

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Forest Fire

Panel 1- Poor Boy ( at the window ): " My friends, go now while there's still time. Leave me!"
              Friends ( below ): " No way!!!"
Panel 2- Rolan: " Poor Boy, death will come to you if you stay. You won't be able to watch
                           your favorite Koreanovela anymore!"
Panel 3- Poor Boy ( jumping out of the window ): " I'm coming!!!"

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Forest Fire

Panel 1- Bee Onse: " Alright Rolan, Walter.. prepare yourselves!"
               Rolan : " Thank you, Bee Onse!"
Panel 2- Rolan: " Good thing you informed us soonest. I hope you find yourselves a safe place.."
           Bee Onse: " I hope so too, Rolan.."
Panel 3- Bee Onse: " Because our Colony will die if the Queen won't be able to lay her eggs.."

Forest Fire

Panel 1- Rolan: " What about you, Bee Onse?"
          Bee Onse: " We already left the Colony.."
Panel 2- Bee Onse: " But we weren't able to save the new born batch because the fire spread so swiftly.."
Panel 3- Bee Onse; " The honey inside the colony was lost when the tree where we live was consumed by the fire.."

Friday, July 22, 2016

Forest Fire

Panel 1- Bee Onse: " The men are doing Slash and Burn in the forest when it became out of control because of the wind.."
Panel 2- Bee Onse: " Many animals and insects were able to escape the fire.."
Panel 3- Bee Onse: " But many of them also died when trapped by the spreading fire.."

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Forest Fire

Panel 1- Bee Onse: " Rolan, Walter.. get ready!"
Panel 2- Bee Onse: " The plains is on fire! You have to leave now!!!"
Panel 3- Rolan: " Bee Onse, how did the fire start?"
              Bee Onse: " The men did it!"

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Forest Fire

Panel 1- One day in an ant colony..
    John: " Huh? What's this?"
Panel 2- Jake: " Ash! Ash in the air!!"
             John: " There's a fire!!!"
Panel 3- John ( shouting ): " Alarm! Sound the alarm!!! Hurrry!!!"

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Inang Diwata

Panel 1- Boy Baboy: " Men are cruel to animals, Mother Fairy.."
           Mother Fairy: " I know.."
Panel 2- Mother Fairy: " But I don't have the power to punish men because I am a Fairy.."
Panel 3- Mother Fairy: " The only one who has the power to do it is Mother Nature! "

Friday, April 1, 2016

Inang Diwata

Panel 1- Jaws: " You're lucky, Brewster, men can use many parts of your body.."
Panel 2- Jaws: " In our case, men catch us just to get our fins at the back.."
Panel 3- Jaws: " And then they threw us back into the water where we drown because our fins help us to swim.."

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Inang Diwata

Panel 1- Brewster: " Mother Fairy, we chickens are slightly ahead with the pigs.."
Panel 2- Brewster: " People who eat chickens and pork even eat our insides.."
Panel 3- Brewster- " Except for our beaks and nails! "

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Inang Diwata

Panel 1- Boy Baboy: " When we reach the right weight, they bring us to the slaughter house.."
Panel 2- Boy Baboy: " And more of us died when men used modern equipment to kill us faster.."
Panel 3- Mother Fairy: " Boy Baboy, what people eat will surely kill them someday! "

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Inang Diwata

Panel 1- Boy Baboy: " My friends, we pigs became the primary food of men.."
Panel 2- Boy Baboy: " They learned to put us in cages to grow big and then sell us.."
Panel 3- Boy Baboy: " They feed us a mixture of corn, fish and other chemicals so we'll grow faster.."

Monday, March 28, 2016

Inang Diwata

Panel 1- Mother Fairy: " Robert, the earthworm, thank you for sharing with us your experience.."
Panel 2- Mother Fairy: " You're not the only one who suffered at the hands of man.."
Panel 3- Mother Fairy: " Let's listen to Boy Baboy ( pig ) as he has some things to share with us.."
                Boy Baboy: " Thank you, Mother Fairy.."

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Inang Diwata

Panel 1- Bertong Bulate: " Many of the earthworms died, Mother Fairy, because pesticides is poison to us.."
Panel 2- Bertong Bulate: " We tried to look for other places to live but men are cruel.."
Panel 3- Bertong Bulate: " They even burn the dried leaves that we eat for food instead of making them into   natural fertilizer.."

Note: Bertong Bulate is Robert, the earthworm

Inang Diwata

Panel 1- Bertong Bulate: " But things changed when men learned to use the mechanized plow
                                        to till their soil.."
Panel 2- Bertong Bulate: " The mechanized plow runs deep than the topsoil where we live.."
Panel 3- Bertong Bulate: " Aside from this, men started using chemical fertilizer
                                        and pesticides in their fields.." 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Inang Diwata

Panel 1- Bertong Bulate: " The tunnels we create in the topsoil serves as pathways for the air.."
Panel 2- Bertong Bulate: " And it also serve as drainage to the earth when it rains.."
Panel 3- Bertong Bulate: " The topsoil is the most important part of the soil because this is where many organisms live.."

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Inang Diwata

Panel 1- Bertong Bulate: " Mother Fairy, we earthworms help maintain the balance of nature.."
Panel 2- Bertong Bulate: " We take good care of the topsoil in the land of Paraisong Gubat.."
Panel 3- Bertong Bulate: " We create tunnels as we ate the dried leaves and convert them to natural fertilizer and spread them into the land.."

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Inang Diwata

Panel 1- Mother Fairy: " I called this gathering to let everyone know that our place, Paraisong Gubat,
                                      is in danger because of men.."
Panel 2- Mother Fairy: " I am worried that because of this, the beauty of our environment will disappear.."
Panel 3- Mother Fairy: " Bertong Bulate, what can you add to our meeting?.."

Monday, March 7, 2016

Inang Diwata

Panel 1- Rolan: " Mother Fairy do not always call for a gathering.."
        Poor Boy: " you're right.."
Panel 2- Rolan: " I think she has very important things to say for everyone.."
Panel 3-   Rico: " Everybody quiet! Mother Fairy is here.."

Friday, February 12, 2016

End Game

Panel 1- Poor Boy: " Kulugo, you'll be famous in Paraisong Gubat because you beat Jumping Jack!"
                 Kulugo: " Really?"
Panel 2- Jake: " Hey! Give way and don't obstruct the road.."
      Poor Boy: " Jake, what's going on?"
Panel 3- Jake: " Mother Diwata is calling for a meeting and everybody should attend!"

Thursday, February 11, 2016

End Game

Panel 1- Poor Boy: " Kulugo, good thing Queen Uling didn't get angry to what you did to Jumping Jack."
                  Walter: " He's right! "
Panel 2- Kulugo: " Before I swallowed Jumping Jack, he confessed Queen Uling ordered him to cheat.."
Panel 3- Kulugo: " That's why she kept silent and accepted her defeat.."