Friday, January 8, 2016

End Game

Panel 1- Queen Godzilla and her ants were thrilled when Kulugo came out at the edge of the ravine
Panel 2- Rolan, Walter and Poor Boy cheered: "We won! We won!"
Panel 3- Queen Uling: " I accept our defeat, Queen Godzilla.."
          Queen Godzilla: " Thank you, Queen Uling.."

Thursday, January 7, 2016

End Game

Panel 1- Kulugo again used his tonque to stop his fall in the ravine..
Panel 2- Kulugo slowly inches his way up the ravine
Panel 3- And with the help of his tonque, Kulugo made it to the top

End Game

Panel 1- Poor Boy: " Look! Kulugo fell into the ravine!.."
Panel 2- Poor Boy: " But Jumping Jack also disappeared while flying!"
                    Rolan: " That's right!"
Panel 3-       Rolan: " Maybe he ran out of strength so he fell into the ravine!"

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

End Game

Panel 1- Kulugo took aim at the flying Jumping Jack...
Panel 2- And he used his tonque..
Panel 3- Jumping Jack ( surprised ): " Argh!! Kulugo! You devil!!!"

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

End Game

Panel 1- Kulugo ( to himself as he falls ): " You're a cheat, Jumping Jack.. You don't fight fair in our                                                                         high jump contest.."
Panel 2- Kulugo ( to himself ): " You used your wings to win this game.."
Panel 3- Kulugo ( to himself ): " But if you have an ace, I also have one!"

End Game

Monday, January 4, 2016

End Game

Panel 1- Poor Boy: " Argh!!! Kulugo fell into the ravine!"
                  Walter: " No!!:
Panel 2- Poor Boy: " Jumping Jack is a cheat! He used his wings to cross the ravine!"
Panel 3- Poor Boy: " We lost! Our colony will go to Queen Uling!!"
                  Walter: " Argh!!!"