Saturday, April 2, 2016

Inang Diwata

Panel 1- Boy Baboy: " Men are cruel to animals, Mother Fairy.."
           Mother Fairy: " I know.."
Panel 2- Mother Fairy: " But I don't have the power to punish men because I am a Fairy.."
Panel 3- Mother Fairy: " The only one who has the power to do it is Mother Nature! "

Friday, April 1, 2016

Inang Diwata

Panel 1- Jaws: " You're lucky, Brewster, men can use many parts of your body.."
Panel 2- Jaws: " In our case, men catch us just to get our fins at the back.."
Panel 3- Jaws: " And then they threw us back into the water where we drown because our fins help us to swim.."