Saturday, July 23, 2016

Forest Fire

Panel 1- Bee Onse: " Alright Rolan, Walter.. prepare yourselves!"
               Rolan : " Thank you, Bee Onse!"
Panel 2- Rolan: " Good thing you informed us soonest. I hope you find yourselves a safe place.."
           Bee Onse: " I hope so too, Rolan.."
Panel 3- Bee Onse: " Because our Colony will die if the Queen won't be able to lay her eggs.."

Forest Fire

Panel 1- Rolan: " What about you, Bee Onse?"
          Bee Onse: " We already left the Colony.."
Panel 2- Bee Onse: " But we weren't able to save the new born batch because the fire spread so swiftly.."
Panel 3- Bee Onse; " The honey inside the colony was lost when the tree where we live was consumed by the fire.."

Friday, July 22, 2016

Forest Fire

Panel 1- Bee Onse: " The men are doing Slash and Burn in the forest when it became out of control because of the wind.."
Panel 2- Bee Onse: " Many animals and insects were able to escape the fire.."
Panel 3- Bee Onse: " But many of them also died when trapped by the spreading fire.."

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Forest Fire

Panel 1- Bee Onse: " Rolan, Walter.. get ready!"
Panel 2- Bee Onse: " The plains is on fire! You have to leave now!!!"
Panel 3- Rolan: " Bee Onse, how did the fire start?"
              Bee Onse: " The men did it!"

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Forest Fire

Panel 1- One day in an ant colony..
    John: " Huh? What's this?"
Panel 2- Jake: " Ash! Ash in the air!!"
             John: " There's a fire!!!"
Panel 3- John ( shouting ): " Alarm! Sound the alarm!!! Hurrry!!!"