Friday, April 7, 2017

Fake News

Panel 1- Grafar: " Wha.. what happened? Where's my fishpen? "
Panel 2- Grafar: " Munchkins! You did this, right? Tell me the truth! "
              Kuling: " Not us! "
Panel 3- Kuling: " It's Ma'm Gina! "
              Gina ( in the background ): " Hello! "

Fake News

Panel 1- Anna: " Oh well.. us Munchkins salute you, Cong Grafar.."
            Grafar: " As you should.."
Panel 2- Anna: " From now on we won't bother your fishpen.."
            Grafar: " Very good! "
Panel 3- Anna: " Because your fishpen is gone! "
            Grafar: " What?! "

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Fake News

Panel 1- Kuling: " You're evil, Cong Grafar. You scared Spraken.. you cheated! "
             Grafar: " Of course! "
Panel 2- Grafar: " I am a congressman and survival is my priority
                           that's why I stay in politics for long Hehehe.."
Panel 3- Kuling: " And you're also used to changing political parties! "
              Grafar: ( didn't notice his fishpen is being uprooted )

Fake News

Panel 1- Grafar: " Your Spraken is no match for me. I'm smart! Hehehe.."
Panel 2- Grafar: " I know squids are afraid of sharks so I shouted " shark attack!! " and he ran away! "
Panel 3- Anna: " But there are no sharks here! "
             Grafar: " That's true so I gave Spraken a fake news and he believed it! "

Monday, April 3, 2017

Fake News

Panel 1- Anna: " Huh?! It's Spraken! "
            Kuling: " What happened? "
Panel 2- Anna: " I don't know but he look scared when he passed us.."
         Melanie:: " Let's check it out! "
Panel 3- Anna: " Cong Grafar! You're still alive?! "
            Grafar: " Of course..Hehehe "

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Fake News

Panel 1- Grafar ( to himself ): " Stupid Spraken.. he knows I won't last under the water when my
                                               oxygen tank became empty.."
Panel 2- Grafar ( to himself ): " Got to think of something or I will drown.. Hmmm.."
Panel 3- Grafar ( shouting ): " SHARK ATTACK !!!! "

Sunday, February 26, 2017


Panel 1- Kuling : " Spraken, Cong Gafar is an expert under the water! "
           Spraken: " Don't worry, Munchkins.."
Panel 2- Spraken: " If I'm not mistaken, you're an expert in diving, Cong Grafar>>"
                 Grafar: " That's right.. Hehehe.."
Panel 3- Spraken: " In that case, our fight will be who between us can stay under water for long! "
                 Grafar: " What?! "

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Panel 1- Spraken: " Cong Grafar, what will I do with the money under this lake? I don't need that! "
Panel 2- Spraken: " But I'm open to challenge.."
                 Grafar: " What challenge? "
Panel 3- Spraken: " Let's have a contest on who between us is better in diving! "
                 Grafar: " Diving? Sure! Hehehe.. "


Panel 1- Grafar: " Boss Spraken, let me go and I'll give you 20% of my pork barrel.. Hehehe.."
Panel 2- Anna:  " Cong Grafar, don"t insult can't bribe us! "
             Grafar: " I'm not talking to you! "
Panel 3- Grafar: " Spraken, what say you? 20%, 30%? Name your price! "

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Panel 1- Grafar: " Argh!! Octopus!! A big octopus! Help!!! "
Panel 2- Grafar: " Munchkins!! Help! I don't want to die!!! "
Panel 3- Anna : " Cong Grafar, he's the one who will expel you from this lake, Spraken! "


Panel 1- Grafar: " It's better if you will leave now. Leave my fishpen alone! "
Panel 2- Grafar: ( as he watched the Munchkins leave ): " Babayu! "
Panel 3- Grafar ( surprised ): " What the.."

Sunday, February 19, 2017


Panel 1- Grafar: " Spraken?! Hahahaha! Don't know anyone in government by that name: "
Panel 2- Grafar: " You're just making up story but you don't scare me! "
Panel 3- Grafar: " Whoever is that Spraken, I will not leave! Hahahaha!! "

Friday, February 3, 2017


Panel 1- Grafar: " And who are you to command me to dismantle my fishpen? You don't know me! "
Panel 2- Grafar: " I am Congressman Grafar and I have the government backing and nobody can order me
                            to move out from this place! "
              Kuling: " There is one! "
Panel 3- Munchkins: " Spraken! "

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Panel 1- Grafar: " Who are you and what do you want? "
             Kuling: " We are the 3 munchkins of this lake! "
Panel 2- Kuling: " Dismantle your fishpen so the poor can freely fish in this lake
                            you will answer to us! "
Panel 3- Kuling: " What say you? "
             Grafar: " HAHAHAHA! "


Panel 1- Kuling: " Hello, Cong Grafar.."
            Melanie: " Hi.."
                Anna: " Hello.."
              Grafar: " Huh? Some fish?!.."
Panel 2- Grafar: " And they can talk! Impossible!!! "
                Anna: " Nope "
Panel 3-   Anna: " Because you can also speak under water, right? "

Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Panel 1- Kuling: " We go around his fishpen to be sure.."
                Anna: " Let's go! "
Panel 2- Kuling: " He's always diving here to check if there are holes on his fishnets.."
Panel 3-   Anna: " And speaking of the devil, there's congressman Grafer!."

Monday, January 30, 2017


Panel 1- Melanie: " Kuling, can we talk to Congressman Grafar? "
Panel 2- Kuling: " Melanie, Cong Grafar spend more of his time in his fishpen than Congress.."
Panel 3- Anna: " That's true, Melanie.. me and Kuling always see him here so we have a big chance
                          we might be able to talk to him.."

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Panel 1- Anna: " Melanie, we need to teach the owner of this fishpen a lesson! "
          Melanie: " How? "
Panel 2- Anna: " We let him know many are affected by what he'd done.."
          Melanie: " How? "
Panel 3- Anna: " We have to talk to the owner, Congressman Grafar!.."