Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bee Onse

Panel 1- Bee Onse: " Our lives as insects are both hard and easy, Rolan..Walter.."
Panel 2- Bee Onse: " Even we can fly we still face the same dangers as the others.."
Panel 3- Bee Onse: " Like Zumba!!! Run!!!!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Bee Onse

Panel 1- Rolan: " It's great, Bee Onse, that you bees can fly. You can reach more areas in search for
Panel 2- Rolan: " We ants   do it by sheer numbers in search for food.."
Panel 3- Bee Onse: " Each of us have a part in the insect world, Rolan. Right, Walter?"
              Walter: " Right!"

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Bee Onse

Panel 1- Rolan: " How is your beehive, Bee Onse?"
        Bee Onse: " It's ok Rolan.."
Panel 2- Bee Onse: " All are doing their job for the sake of everyone.."
Panel 3- Rolan: " You're better than the Congress of humans ( who only think for himself )
        Bee Onse: " What did you say?"

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bee Onse

Panel 1- Rolan ( to a bee gathering pollen ): " Hi, Bee Onse.."
        Bee Onse: Oh, hello, Rolan.."
Panel 2- Rolan ( introducing Walter ): " My brother, Walter..."
        Bee Onse: " Oh, yes. he's the one who loves to speak in English,right?"
Panel 3- Walter offering help and Bee Onse accepting

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Concert

Panel 1- Poor Boy: " Oh, Linda, Zeny.. I guess you won't go to another concert anymore.."
                   Linda:  " Why do you say that, Poor Boy?"
Panel 2- Poor Boy: " Because you had a hard time in the concert. There were too many fans watching Justin Bibe's concert.."
                    Zeny: " It's OK .. it's only practice for now.."
             Poor Boy: " Practice?"
Panel 3- Linda and Zeny: " That's right because The Beetles are also coming to Frodo's Pond. Weee!"

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Concert

Panel 1- Rolan: " Poor Boy, me and Walter are here at the concert to guard our wives.."
Panel 2- Poor Boy: " How will you recognize Linda and Zeny when we all look alike?"
                 Walter: " It's easy, Poor Boy.."
Panel 3- Rolan: " Only Linda and Zeny has the nerve to jump while Justin Bibe is singing.."

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Concert

Panel 1- PB alias Poor Boy , a neighbor of Walter and Rolan: " Hi, Walter; Hi, Rolan!"
Panel 2- PB: " I didn't  know you two are fans of Justin Bibe!"
   Rolan ( evasive ): " Not exactly.."
Panel 3- Rolan: " Our wives, Linda and Zeny, are the ones who are great fans of Justin Bibe.. Hehehe"

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Concert

Panel 1- Rolan: " The guy we bought the concert tickets from sucks!"
Panel 2- Walter: " You're right, Rolan..not only it's far from the stage, it's also expensive.."
Panel 3- Rolan to Cong, the Crocodle: " Crocodle!"

NOTE: Crocodile or Buwaya in Filipino language is a term usually meant for politicians who never had enough and always want everything for themselves. It's like playing basketball but doesn't want to pass the his teamates

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Concert

Panel 1-Rolan to ticket seller: " What?! There's no more ticket for Justin Bibe's concert?"
                          Ticket seller: " Sorry "
Panel 2- Rolan: " Walter, what are we going to do? We cannot go inside the concert area without tickets.."
Panel 3- Cong, the crocodile: " Ehem.. did you mention tickets?"

Friday, August 16, 2013


Panel 1- Rolan: " Can't believe it! Frodo didn't hire us just because his father is a policeman.."
Panel 2- Walter: " right, Rolan.. and to think our version of ' Bayong ' is beautiful "
Panel 3- Rolan: " I think we should have sang ' The Power of Love ' of Celine Dion.."
    It's a bit eerie to hear 'Power of Love' being sang by a man as in " I'm your lady and you are my man " whenever there is a Karaoke bday party in our neighborhood

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Panel 1- Frodo ( getting impatient ): " Ok, Ok.. I will give you a chance. What are you going to sing?"
              Rolan: " Bayong!"
Panel 2- Frodo ( impressed ): " Bayong?! That's a Pnoy trademark. Alright, let me hear it.."
Panel 3- Walter and Rolan singing 'Bayong'

The Bayong song as sung by The Elderly Brothers in our strip is a Pilipino novelty song that tells about a policeman holding a bayong under the bridge. The bayong will be filled up for free with chicken, meat etc as the policeman goes his round among the vendors.
The ' Bayong ' is a native bag made of coconut leaves. It is commonly used by housewives BEFORE in going to the market ( the husbands are NOW doing it, like me ) The bayongs were very handy and can acommodate fish, chicken, meat, vegetables and others because of its size. It is washable and can be used again and again. And then the plastic bags came...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Panel 1- Frodo: " Rolan, how did you and Walter became brothers? He's white and you're brown like chico.."
Panel 2- Rolan: " It's a long story.."
Panel 3- Frodo: " How about you, Walter.. what can you say?"
             Walter: " It's complicated.."

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Panel 1- Frodo ( surprised ): " Elderly Brothers?"
              Rolan: " That's right and Rolan is my name.."
Panel 2- Rolan: " And he is my brother Walter.."
Panel 3- Frodo: " Brother?"

Monday, August 12, 2013


Panel 1- Frodo: " You two are different from those who auditioned here earlier.."
             Walter: " Really?"
Panel 2- Frodo: " I mean most of those who auditioned were young but you two look like Seniors already.."
             Walter: " Huh? I..ehem.."
Panel 3- Rolan ( taking the cue ):  " That's because we are the Elderly Brothers!"

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Panel 1- Rolan: " Hello, Frodo.. we are the Walter-Rolan Duet and we like to audition for the front act in Justin Bibe's concert.."
Panel 2- Frodo: " I'm sorry, boys.. we already hired a group for that.."
              Rolan: " Really?"
Panel 3- Rolan: " We'll, that's ok.. we can also be Justin Bibe's closing act.."

Friday, August 9, 2013

Justin Bibe

Panel 1- Rolan:" Walter, we cannot go against our wives because they are like Spartans.."
            Walter: " I know.."
Panel 2- Rolan: " I think I have a solution to our problem.."
            Walter: " What is it, Rolan?"
Panel 3- Rolan: " Kung hindi natin sila pwedeng kalabanin, makisali na lang tayo.."
            Walter: " Ano?!"

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Justin Bibe

Panel 1- Rolan: "Walter, why are you crying?"
             Walter: " It's Linda..."
Panel 2- Walter: " She replaced the picture of my favorite TV star with that of Justin Bibe.."
              Rolan: " Which one?"
Panel 3- Walter; " Daffy Duck "

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Justin Bibe

Panel 1- Walter: " Rolan, why are you crying?"
               Rolan: " Because of Zeny..."
Panel 2- Rolan: " She cooked my aquarium pet Kois."
             Walter: " But why?"
Panel 3- Rolan: " She did it so that Justin Bibe's cousin can swim.."

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Justin Bibe

Panel 1- Rolan: " I can't believe it,Walter.. just because Justin Bibe is going to have a concert here, our lives have changed.."
Panel 2- Zeny: " Oh, Justin, have you eaten already?"
            Rolan: " I'm Rolan!"
Panel 3- Linda: " Walter, will it be nice if our surname is Kimberbibe?"

Note: The girls are enamored of Justin Bibe. "Bibe" is a tagalog word that means "Duck"

Monday, August 5, 2013

Justin Bibe

Panel 1- Rolan ( to Linda and Zeny who just arrived ): " Hmm.. you two seemed excited... Hehehe.."
              Zeny: " That's right.."
Panel 2- Linda: " We just came from Frodo's pond and do you know who will be having a concert there?"
Panel 3- Linda and Zeny: " Justin Bibe!! Weeeee!!!

Note: Linda and Zeny are music lovers and they like Justin Bibe because he's Canadian.

Justin Bibe

Panel 1- Linda: " Hey, Frodo.. we heard you're having a concert again.."
             Frodo: " Yes, Linda.."
Panel 2- Zeny : " I hope you're not getting another lemon that will cause you some loses again.."
             Frodo: " Not anymore, Zeny.."
Panel 3-Frodo: " This time I'm getting the artist Justin Bibe!"
Linda and Zeny: "Justin Bibe?! Eeeeee!!!

Friday, August 2, 2013


Panel 1- KB ( to himself ): " People are different when it comes to drink..."
Panel 2- KB ( to himself ): " They have chocolate drink, fruit drink, vegetable and others because they think they are health drinks.."
Panel 3- KB ( to himself ): " They don't know that the best health drink of all is plain water..."

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Panel 1- KB: " Do you earthworms come out only when it rains?"
Panel 2- KB: " Do you take a bath like we do?"
Panel 3- Eartha: " Well, we don't want to drown.."