Thursday, August 15, 2013


Panel 1- Frodo ( getting impatient ): " Ok, Ok.. I will give you a chance. What are you going to sing?"
              Rolan: " Bayong!"
Panel 2- Frodo ( impressed ): " Bayong?! That's a Pnoy trademark. Alright, let me hear it.."
Panel 3- Walter and Rolan singing 'Bayong'

The Bayong song as sung by The Elderly Brothers in our strip is a Pilipino novelty song that tells about a policeman holding a bayong under the bridge. The bayong will be filled up for free with chicken, meat etc as the policeman goes his round among the vendors.
The ' Bayong ' is a native bag made of coconut leaves. It is commonly used by housewives BEFORE in going to the market ( the husbands are NOW doing it, like me ) The bayongs were very handy and can acommodate fish, chicken, meat, vegetables and others because of its size. It is washable and can be used again and again. And then the plastic bags came...

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