Friday, December 20, 2013

Ang Pagbangon

Panel 1- Zeny: " Wow, Rolan! Is that our new home?"
            Rolan: " Yes, Zeny.."
Pamel 2- Linda: " Wow, Walter! Is that our new  home?"
             Walter: " Yes, Linda.."
Panel 3- Their new home is a Duplex

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ang Pagbangon

Panel 1- Linda: " Hey, relief goods are coming in!"
Panel 2- Linda: " Wow! They're using the air for their delivery.."
               Zeny: " Of course.."
Panel 3-  Zeny: " They are the Air force of the insects from the other side.."

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ang Pagbangon

Panel 1- Baste: " Wow! So many relief goods!"
Panel 2- Baste: " Why don't we sell some of them? They're so  many anyway.."
Panel 3- Tibo: " Baste, we are insects not humans, ok?"

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ang Pagbangon

Panel 1- Rolan: " Is it straight already?"
            Owner: " A little bit to the right.."
Panel 2- Walter: " Is it ok now?"
             Owner: " It exceeded to the right.. a little bit to the left.."
Panel 3- Rolan: " Wait a minute, who are you and why are you ordering us?"
            Owner: " It's my house you're trying to erect.."

Monday, December 16, 2013

Ang Pagbangon

Panel 1- Rolan: " It's alright, Poor Boy.. we will rise again.."
       Poor Boy:  " Yes, we will rise again.."
Panel 2- Rolan, Walter and Poor Boy in formation: " Right! We insects are different! We will rise again!"
     Voice over : " Hey! "
Panel 3- Linda: " You three better stop your drama and help us raise our home!"

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Ang Pagbangon

Panel 1- Poor Boy: " Rolan! Walter! It's good we see each other again!"
                   Rolan : " Yes, Poor Boy.."
Panel 2- Poor Boy: " Typhoon Yolie destroyed so many.."
Panel 3- Poor Boy: " Antville is totally wiped out.."

Friday, December 13, 2013

Isang Kwento

Panel 1- Mother: " My son, what do you have in your hand?"
Panel 2- Son: " It's a Maya bird, mother.. I killed it with my slingshot.."
Panel 3- Son ( throwing the dead bird on the table ): " Just grill it and add to our dinner later.."

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Isang Kwento

Panel 1- Mia waited for days but Berto Batobato never made it back..
Panel 2- The burden of bringing up their children fell on the shoulder of Mia Maya
Panel 3- Mia was busy feeding her brood that day and she didn't notice the kid below with a slingshot..

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Isang Kwento

Panel 1- ( Having three eggs in the nest ) Berto's inspired to get more food for his family
Panel 2- He went everywhere to look for food
Panel 3- Until one day he was seen by a boy with an airgun

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Isang Kwento

Panel 1- Weeks passed by and the union of Berto and Mia bore fruit
Panel 2- Both were very happy for their three eggs
Panel 3- More so when the eggs were hatched and a new sound came from the nest

Monday, December 9, 2013

Isang Kwento

Panel 1- Berto Batobato is hardworking and so is Mia Maya
Panel 2- Helping each other, they built their nest on the branch of the Duhat tree
Panel 3- And they finished it before the rainy season comes

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Isang Kwento

Panel 1- Berto Batobato has wooed Mia Maya for so long
Panel 2- And when Mia said yes and agreed to live with him, Berto was jumping for joy
Panel 3- They look for a place and they found a perfect spot on the branch of a Duhat tree

Friday, December 6, 2013


Panel 1- Linda: " Zeny, aren't you and Olan going to evacuate? The supertyphoon is coming!"
               Zeny: " Not yet!"
Panel 2-  Zeny: " We're going to evacuate only when the supertyphoon is knocking on our door!.."
Panel 3- ( Zeny went to see who is knocking at the door )
   Supertyphoon Yolie: " Hello! I'm here!! Surprise!!!"

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Panel 1- Rolan: " Walter, what are you doing?"
             Walter: " I am reinforcing our house, Rolan.."
Panel 2- Walter: " The strong wind of the typhoon might blow it down.."
Panel 3- Poor Walter...the strong wind came from the other direction..

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Panel 1- Linda: " Hey, Rolan! You have to come down now that raindrops are starting to fall!"
Panel 2- Rolan: " Linda, raindrops don't bother me.. Hehehe.."
Panel 3- Rolan finding out that in the world of insects, a rain drop is a big thing

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Panel 1- Zeny: " My Lord, please save us from the coming supertyphoon.."
Panel 2- Zeny: " Please don't allow disaster come to many.."
Panel 3- Zeny: " Also please don't allow the love team of Ryzza and Bimby materialize.."
Note: Bimby is son of Kris Aquino who is paired with Ryzza in a coming movie with Vic Sotto

Monday, December 2, 2013


Panel 1- Cooper: " To those of you who are living in this high place, I want you to know that Supertyphoon Yolie is coming.."
Panel 2- Cooper: " The supertyphoon will create a dangerous landslide so you must evacuate to lower grounds.."
Panel 3- Cooper: " Where are you going?"
          Anderson : " To higher ground to escape the storm surge.."

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Panel 1- Anderson: " I would like to inform those who live in Antville to evacuate!"
Panel 2- Anderson: " Supertyphoon Yolie is on her way!.."
Panel 3- Anderson: " Go to a higher place to avoid the storm surge.."

Friday, November 29, 2013


Panel 1- Kuling: " Mr Peter, it's dangerous to eat us because we have poisonous red tide in our gills.."
Panel 2- Kuling: " What you need is an imported round scad to be safe from poison.."
         Mr. Peter: " Is that so?.."
Panel 3- Gigi: " Gary Galunggong ( Round scad ), go near Mr Peter's boat. He's never seen an imported round scan in his life.."
              Gary: " Really? Hehehe..."

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Panel 1- Gigi: " Mr Peter, why are you sad?"
            Peter: " It's already noon and I haven't caught a fish yet.."
Panel 2- Peter: " But thanks to you two, my belly will be filled.."
Panel 3- Peter used his net to catch Gigi and Kuling

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Panel 1- Kuling: " What?! They will import from China and Taiwan? They are fishing on our grounds and now they will export to us the fish they caught?"
Panel 2- Gary G: " What's the problem with importation. girls?"
               Kuling: " You think you're somebody, Gary Galunggong.. but you are just a local variety!"
Panel 3- Gigi: " Kuling, he became full of himself after being caught, feeling like an imported variety from Taiwan.."

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Panel 1- Kuling: " Gigi, what is the government doing to solve this problem of poaching ?"
Panel 2- Gigi: " Well, BFAR ( Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources ) has an answer for us diminishing Galunggong ( Round scud ).."
Panel 3 Gigi: " And that is to import from China and Taiwan! "

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Panel 1- Gigi: " The government can't do anything against those foreigners that fish on our ground.."
Panel 2- Gigi: " Chinese, Vietnamese, Taiwanese.. they're all the same!"
Panel 3- Gigi ( shouting ): " POACHERS!! "


Panel 1- Kuling: " Hi Gigi.. you looked so sad.."
                 Gigi: " You're right, Kuling.."
Panel 2-    Gigi: " It's because we Galunggongs ( Round Scad ) are getting fewer because of too much fishing
                 by men.."
Panel 3- Kuling: " I heard that fishermen from other countries are also fishing here on our ground.."
                 Gigi: " That's right, Kuling ( sighs ).."

Friday, November 22, 2013

Frog Prince

Panel 1- Kulugo: " Thank you very much for the offer, Sir P-Nonoy, but I promised to help La Viuda Loca 
                             find her frog prince.."
Panel 2- Kulugo: " And we will scour every palace in the Philippines to find him.."
          P-Nonoy: " Palace?! Well, I think I can help you.."
Panel 3- P-Nonoy: " Guard! Bring them to the Coconut Palace!"
                  Guard: " Yes, Sir!"
NOTE: The Coconut Palace is where the Vice President of the Philippines is holding office

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Frog Prince

Panel 1- P-Nonoy: " Huh?! There are frogs here! Guard!!"
                 Kulugo: " Sir P-Nonoy, don't!"
Panel 2- Kulugo: " I am Kulugo and she is La Viuda Loca. We mean no harm.. We're just looking for her Frog Prince.."
Panel 3- P-Nonoy: " You're good at explaining things, Kulugo.. Can you be my Spokesman?"
NOTE: The President is having problem with his Communication Group in bringing good news to the people

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Frog Prince

Panel 1- La Viuda Loca kissing Erwin Lasagna, the palace spokesman on " soft issues "
Panel 2- La Viuda Loca kissing Ernie Bologna, the palace spokesman on " meaty issues "
Panel 3- La Viuda Loca kissing Icky Carambola, the palace spokesman when issues get messed up..
P-Noy has 3 spokesmen namely Edwin Lacierda, Hermie Coloma and Ricky Carandang. Each have their own offices and they do not speak to each other according to palace reporters.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Frog Prince

Panel 1- P-Nonoy: " What was that? My head suddenly felt cold! "
Panel 2- La Viuda Loca: " He did not change, Kulugo! He's not the frog prince!"
Panel 3- Kulugo: " Try kissing those who are following him.We will eventually get the frog prince!"
   La Viuda Loca: " Who?!"

Monday, November 18, 2013

Frog Prince

Panel 1- Voice over: " Everybody quiet. P-Nonoy is coming!"
       La Viuda Loca ( to herself ): " P-Nonoy? Prince Nonoy?!"
Panel 2- La Viuda Loca ( to herself ): " Prince Nonoy is coming.. He's handsome!"
Panel 3- La Viuda Loca planting a kiss on P-Nonoy's head

Frog Prince

Panel 1- La Viuda Loca: " Kulugo, how will I know who is the Frog Prince among those people?"
Panel 2- Kulugo: " You'll have to kiss them one by one so you will know.."
              La Viuda Loca: " What?!"
Panel 3- Kulugo: " The real Frog Prince will change his appearance.."
              La Viuda Loca: " Is that so?":

Friday, November 15, 2013

La Viuda Loca

Panel 1- La Viuda Loca: " Kulugo, where are we?"
                         Kulugo: " We're crossing the Pasig river.."
Panel 2- Kulugo: " The Frog prince's castle is on the other side.."
    La Viuda Loca: " Castle?"
Panel 3- Kulugo: " Yes, La Viuda Loca..that is the Malacanang Palace!"
    La Viuda Loca: " Wow!"
NOTE: Malacanang Palace is the seat of power where every President of the Philippines hold office..

Thursday, November 14, 2013

La Viuda Loca

Panel 1- Kulugo: " La Viuda Loca, I'm not the one meant for you. I'm just a wart in your life.."
Panel 2- Kulugo: " What you should have is someone from royalty. A frog prince!"
  La Viuda Loca: " A frog prince?"
Panel 3- Kulugo: " Yes, La Viuda Loca.. and I can help you on that part.."
  La Viuda Loca: " Really?"

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

La Viuda Loca

Panel 1- La Viuda Loca: " Kulugo, we are at the crossroad. You pick the way you want to go and we will go there.."
Panel 2- La Viuda Loca: " To the left is the church and to the right is the Libis restaurant whose specialty is frog legs.."
Panel 3-Kulugo: " We go left. I love going to church.."

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

La Viuda Loca

Panel 1- La Viuda Loca: " Don't try to escape, Kulugo!"
Panel 2- Kulugo: " But La Viuda Loca, I'm not the one you're looking for! This is not right!"
Panel 3- Kulugo: " This is not the straight path of PNonoy!"

Monday, November 11, 2013

La Viuda Loca

Panel 1- La Viuda Loca: " Kulugo, we have the same fortune so we have to get married.."
                         Kulugo: " No way! "
Panel 2- La Viuda Loca: " Kulugo! Look! A beautiful girl!"
                         Kulugo: " Huh?! Where? Where?!"
Panel 3- Kulugo fell into La Viuda's ultimate weapon

Sunday, November 10, 2013

La Viuda Loca

Panel 1- Kulugo: " Huh? Who are you?"
            Stranger: " I am La Viuda Loca, Kulugo.."
Panel 2- La Viuda Loca: " Like you, I am also looking for someone to love me.."
Panel 3- La Viuda Loca: " And like you, nobody seemed to like me.."
                         Kulugo: " Excuse me?! Don't include me in your problem.."

Friday, November 8, 2013

Si Kulugo, Si Kuhol at Si Kuling

Panel 1- Kulugo: " Kuhol, Kuling.. I have to go back to the surface. Thank you for your advice.."
Panel 2- Kuling: " Kulugo, do not lose hope. Someday you'll meet the girl who will love you.."
             Kulugo: " Thanks, Kuling.."
Panel 3- Voice over: " Hello, handsome.."

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Si Kulugo, Si Kuhol at Si Kuling

Panel 1- Kuling: " Hey, Kuhol.. who is he? He's cute!"
             Kulugo ( delighted ): " Hey! Ehem.."
Panel 2- Kuhol: " Kulugo she is Kuling.. my neighbor at OK corral.."
            Kulugo: " Hi Kuling.."
             Kuling: " Hello.."
Panel 3-Kuling: " What are you doing here, Kulugo?"
           Kulugo: " I wanted to take my own life.."
            Kuling: " Why don't you just have a truck run over you?"

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Si Kulugo, Si Kuhol at Si Kuling

Panel 1- Kulugo: " Kuhol, are you sure someone will love me if I changed my name to " Pogi " or " Sexy? "
Panel 2- Kulugo: " What if nobody will love me as time goes by?"
Panel 3- Kuhol: " Well, they'll call you Old man.."
Note: Tanda ( old man ), Pogi ( handsome ) and Sexy are code names of the three Senators involved in the pork barrel scam. They received hundred of millions each in kickbacks

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Si Kulugo, Si Kuhol at Si Kuling

Panel 1- Kulugo: " Kuhol, I want to have many offsprings! What's the matter with you?"
Panel 2- Kuhol: " That's really a big problem if nobody falls in love with you, Kulugo.."
Panel 3- Kuhol: " Why don't you change your name Kulugo with " Pogi " or " Sexy " so it will be more appealing?"

Monday, November 4, 2013

Si Kulugo, Si Kuhol at si Kuling

Panel 1- Kuhol: " Kulugo, what's the reason you want to die?"
Panel 2- Kulugo: " Nobody loves me, Kuhol.."
               Kuhol: " Really?! Well, there's a remedy to that.."
Panel 3- Kuhol: " Become a bachelor for life!"

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Si Kulugo, Si Kuhol at Si Kuling

Panel 1- Kuhol: " Kulugo! What are you doing here?"
            Kulugo: " Kuhol, my friend.. I want to commit suicide!"..
Panel 2- Kuhol: " Is that so? Why don't you just let a truck run over you?"
Panel 3- Kulugo: " Thank you, Kuhol.. but I don't want to end up like a pancake.."

Friday, November 1, 2013


Panel 1- Kulugo: " Now that no one cares about me I'll just take my own life.."
Panel 2- Kulugo: " Goodbye, forest that I knew since birth. Parting is such sweet sorrow.."
Panel 3- And Kulugo jumped into the water

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Panel 1- Kiko: " Kulugo, why are you so sad?"
           Kulugo: " Because nobody like me.."
Panel 2- Kiko: " Don't say that. I know a place that will welcome someone like you!"
           Kulugo: " Really?! Where?"
Panel 3- Kiko: " At a restaurant in Libis whose specialty is frog legs.."

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Panel 1- Kulasa: " Kulugo, I like a man who has etiquette especially at the dining table.."
Panel 2- Kulugo zapping an insect with his tonque
Panel 3- Kulugo: " What did you say about liking a man?"

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Panel 1- Kulugo: " Mother, why did you name me Kulugo?"
Panel 2- Mother: " Son, I named you after a great hero of the jungle who protected the animals and insects from outsiders.."
Panel 3- Kulugo: " Wasn't that Kulafu you were talking about?"
              Mother: " What?! Was that Kulafu? Ooops.."

Monday, October 28, 2013


Panel 1- Madam Mila: " Kulugo, according to this card, you will meet a girl and she will do everything to know more about you..:
Panel 2- Kulugo: " Really, Madam Mila? Wow?" When will I meet her?"
Panel 3- Madam Mila: " Next semester. in her Biology class.."

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Panel 1- Madam Mila: " Kulugo! Good of you to come by.."
                      Kulugo: " Madam Mila. I want to know my future.."
Panel 2- Kulugo: " I have loved many girls but they didn't like me. What should I do?"
Panel 3- Madam Mila: " First thing you should do is to change your name.."

Note: " Kulugo " is wart in english

Friday, October 25, 2013

The End

Panel 1- Queen Bee: " Thank you very much for all your help.."
                      Rolan: " You're welcome, your Majesty.."
Panel 2- Bee Onse: " Bye, Rolan.. Bye, Walter.. thank you very much.."
                    Rolan: " Goodbye.."
Panel 3- The ants are now happy to leave for home. They proved that being of different species is not a barrier to help each other in times of need

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The End

Panel 1- Rolan: " What will happen now, Bee Onse? The survivors are few.."
Panel 2- Bee Onse: " We still have our honey where we can get our food.."
Panel 3- Bee Onse: " And the Queen will again continue her duty to populate our colony.."